Travel Diaries: Rodeo Drive & Galore

Hello everyone,
Happy Saturday! Today marks the last day of my work week and I am extremely excited to be having a short breather from the hectic December pace at the mall. I feel fortunate that I was able to enjoy my vacation before this month started as mall employees usually are restricted by a blackout period in which they can't take leave during the Christmas shopping season. However, so many of my friends are on vacation now in either Hawaii or LA that I can't help but feel a tad envious! Oh well, at least I can reminisce about my trip with these pictures! These were taken on our first and second days-- enjoy!
Walking around Rodeo Drive and taking touristy pictures with no shame.
Christmas time in LA: sunshine and barely any cold weather.
What would Rodeo Drive be without its big brands?

On the first night, we headed to an outdoor shopping mall called the Grove, which had an amazing selection of stores as well as a great amount of Christmas decorations.

For our first meal, we went to The Fat Cow, a Gordon Ramsay restaurant, and enjoyed these truffle fries, pasta, and a huge burger. Delicious!
Our first L.A. sunrise.
Some shopping snapshots while meandering around Santa Monica Promenade. Okay, I lied; it was less meandering and more an extreme focus on getting to every store that I like in as little time as possible (the bf isn't the most patient shopper at times).
On our second night, we ate at Katsuya on Hollywood Boulevard, a restaurant which provided us with a vibrant atmosphere and great food.
When we headed back to The Grove on Day 3, I spotted this poster at the Barnes and Noble: some of the main actors from Breaking Bad were doing a signing on the day we were leaving! You should know that I was completely devastated!
Some cute treats when we revisited The Fat Cow for some special blend "Intelligentsia Coffee."
Our chicken jambalaya and seafood platter at The Gumbo Pot at the Farmer's Market next to The Grove.
Lastly, I'll leave you with a slightly blurry picture of our night with Dir En Grey at the House of Blues. What a fantastic way to enjoy my first rock concert!


  1. The food looks sooo delicious!
    Really, I would eat it, if it was right beside me!

    And i really like your look. The pink bag and the grey coat work so good together, tha's amazing!

    The pics with the Christmas decoration look nice :) But I guess I need for Christmas snow and that it is cold ;)

    Svetlana from Lavender Star

  2. Hey sweetie I love these photos!
    And those meals look DE-LISH!
    I would love it if you follow my blog! - If your reply back I'll follow you back ^_^

  3. wow dear so gorgeous photos! love that pink bag!
    Emma xx

  4. Holy smokes, my bf & I would have been also really disappointed on not seeing the actors from Breaking Bad! I LOVE how detailed all of these traveled pictures are & how memorable they are as well :D The Christmas decorations are delightful at The Grove! Love ur bag btw~~

  5. I love all of the pictures!! Your outfit is so gorgeous & I love the way your bright pink bag pops! You've got a new follower here--and I would love a follow back!

    Maggie D. xx

  6. great the black and white dress


  7. Yum, all the places you ate at look delicious! Even though I live in California I don't get to go to LA very often (6 hour drive). Glad you had fun! Did you get anything at Rodeo Drive? ;)


  8. wow, that looks awesome! must go there asap ;) oh, and you look great as well! love your bag! xo j.

  9. I have been to Rodeo Drive a few years ago and it's always beautiful to see pictues of places I visited in the past :)
    Dear I would like to invite you to my Firmoo giveaway where you can win a pair of free glasses!
    Check it out here: here

    Follow Fashion Dupes:
    Fashion Dupes

  10. Great photos, I can tell you had an amazing trip! love your bag!!

  11. Thank you so much for following me, just started to follow you on GFC, bloglovin'
    Kisses, Ana

  12. Looks like you had an amazing time! I'm loving all the pictures you took because I might be a "little" obsessed with LA!
    Cute outfit! Hehe love how you made the dress seasonally appropriate by adding a simple cardigan :)
    -B ♡ MsBerryStylish 

  13. This trip looks like SO much fun! I love your hot pink bag, it adds the perfect pop of color!

    Xo, Hannah

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