
R-L: dried roses and vase: present from the bf, shoe ornament: HomeSense, candleholder lantern: Urban Barn
Lately I've been more than a little bit obsessed with collecting unique and interesting decor pieces for my tiny bedroom. In the past I declined to put too much thought into my bedroom decor since I felt that any efforts should be put into whatever (hopefully larger) space I would eventually call my future home. However, I recently realized that whatever space you live in, be it your minute-sized bedroom or a house of your own, should be regarded as the place that shapes your mood, creativity, and focus. As a result, I've been making efforts here and there to transform this room into my place of relaxation, comfort, and tranquility. 
This sundial is a vintage piece from my mom that she received way back in the day as a present from her employer in Singapore. 
According to many girls, you can never have enough mirrors in the room. This mentality certainly holds true for myself as I find myself constantly obsessing over the pretty mirrors I often see in stores like Ikea, Urban Barn, HomeSense, and other similar places. 
A recent purchase that was greatly discounted at the local Urban Barn outlet store: a box fit to hold any secret- guaranteed! However, in actuality I just use it a decorative stand for other items...
...such as these lovely King and Queen chess piece tealight holders that I also bought from Urban Barn. I love finding quirky and unique pieces that breathe some life into my bedroom decor scheme.
One rule of decorating on a budget that I found truly helpful from experts on the matter was the notion that one should always check around their parent's home first for unwanted or hidden treasures. This guideline was proven when I spotted an old white table that had been used by my family for years but had been thrown aside into a storage room in recent times. When I saw it again with new eyes, I fully realized how perfect it was for my room! And, best of all, I spent not a dime on it.
I also bought some pretty prints from a local blogger and artist, Randa Salloum, of I See Noise as decoration for both my room and my bestie AK's. While she, an Audrey Hepburn fanatic, received the Breakfast at Tiffany's print, I chose the Chanel No. 5 Perfume Bottle print for myself. As well, Ikea, a wonderful place for those with tiny decorating budgets, was the perfect place to find a cheap and colourful frame for the meagre price of $10. 
I also began scouring dollar stores for potential pieces. The result of such searching was the purchase of this cute quotation board that cost $3 from Dollarama. 
A dear colleague of mine who has now returned back to England was kind enough to give me this lovely blackboard, along with a variety of coloured markers and cute magnets. So much neater and easier to clean than chalkboards!
Additionally, I bought this cute zebra-print memo board from Target that should prove useful as an inspiration board for pictures and ideas that I want to keep in mind and close at hand.
Lastly, I found some pictures of myself around the house taken by a friend who is a wonderful photographer and put them where they should be- in my own room.

Are there any ideas that you could share to make a bedroom a more personalized, organized, and stylish space?


  1. Goshies, I love each & every piece in ur room esp the vintage sundial! I couldn't agree with u more on a space of ur own on shaping ur creativity, mood, & focus :) And yes u can never have enough pretty mirrors!

  2. lovely photos!

    Emma xx

  3. beautiful decorations !!!
    followed you!
    keep in touch !

  4. I love collecting little trinkets for my room, too! I recently purchased a bunch of beautiful vintage glass decanters that I put perfume in and display on my vanity table!

    Xo, Hannah

  5. Youve found such cool array of decorating things in your room, really cool ideas! Thanks for sharing :)

    -Tara x


  6. Now I feel like I need to re-decorate! These finds are all so adorable! You are so artsy =D I can't wait to see more!

    PS. I'm your newest follower via google (117) and bloglovin (56). I'd love it if you could check out my blog and follow me back as well! Also, if you'd like to keep in touch via FB or twitter, just do so and let me know so I can follow back =)
    Twitter: Sensiblestylist

  7. OMG! purple walls! the cutest! and nice displays :)

  8. Love this! :)

  9. Wonderful pictures <3

    I was wondering if we could follow each other. It would be great, just let me know :)

    x Maria / Retro Street Station

  10. Love the decorations dear, the wall color is gorgeous!!!!

  11. ooo love your bedroom! its so time for me to tidy and re-do my own, yours is making me jelly haha!


    ♥ Ellen
    Facebook + Instagram

  12. your room looks so awesome!



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