Funky Florals

All photos by Lydia K
H&M Sweater // Urban Planet chambray shirt // Material Girl pants // Joe Fresh necklace // Tiffany & Co silver bangle // Aldo spike bracelets // Nine West booties // Forever 21 bangles and earrings

Hello everyone,
How has your rainy Wednesday been going? Over the last few days I've been holed up in my room, tapping away determinedly on my laptop keyboard in the hopes of finishing my written assignment within this lifetime. This short paper, which I foolishly thought would be a breeze to finish, has turned out to be a huge headache and drain on my free time. Happily, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and am almost finished the darn thing. Sadly, there are still a million other things that I still have to worry about before I can enjoy my upcoming, super-packed weekend. However, I'm keeping sane by thinking of the good things soon to come my way. Other than it being reading break next week (which couldn't have come sooner!) I have so many things to look forward to: a birthday party, a date with a good friend for high tea, and a few dinners. Let's just hope that I can keep myself from getting sucked under by the undertow of academic drudgery before then! 
In today's outfit post, I attempted to wear these newly-acquired floral pants from Material Girl. I bought them, along with another pair, in an impulsive fit of shoppaholicism after seeing their much-reduced prices at the Bay. And I remember being so proud of myself for not shopping before on that week too... Anywho, I remember not really liking this floral pattern at first; however, over the last few times of wearing them, they've sort of grown on me. This is also the first blog post in which I've worn my first piece of Tiffany & Co. jewelry- this amazing silver bangle that I received as a Christmas present from my boyfriend. Lastly, I've was happy to try out a new shade of fuchsia lipstick that I bought last week from Sephora. How does it look?
Have a great rest of the week and keep your fingers crossed for sunshine to soon soon!


  1. Hey Debbie!

    Love the post! Before I even read to the bottom of your post, I was going to ask you where that lipstick is from?! It looks amazing on you. Which brand is it from?



    1. Hey Luvania,
      So nice of you to visit! ;) I've wanted to try out the YSL lipsticks but was too frugal to make the splurge so I went with a couple of Sephora brand cream lipsticks instead. They are pretty decent and I would definitely recommend them!



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