Pink Valentine

BB Dakota trench coat // H&M fur collar and Blazer // Dynamite blouse // Necklace from The Bay // J Brand jeans // Rockport booties // Olivia + Joy bag // Forever 21 ring and bracelets

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
I hope that your day was full of love, joy, and delicious treats- mine certainly was! I've been enjoying my week-long break by catching up with good friends, watching movies in bed, and experimenting with my newly-acquired DSLR camera. The camera was a surprise buy; however, it was one that I've been contemplating for a while now since I have had some serious camera-envy lately. I'm already in love with it and am determined to learn how to take better pictures (the manual looks pretty daunting). As well, I have officially booked my tickets to San Francisco in the spring so I am now in super saving mode for my trip. After making so many big purchases lately, this period of money-spending abstinence could not have come sooner. I guess my daydreams of sight-seeing, shopping, and enjoying the best parts of sunny San Fran will have to sustain me during the many weeks which I've banned myself from visiting the malls. 

I can't say that this is my favourite outfit since that necklace was a particularly hard piece to properly style. Have you ever bought a piece of clothing or some accessories that you thought would be a cinch to wear? Until you actually got to wearing it, that is. That is the case with this necklace: I bought it thinking that it would be a cute peter pan collar necklace to just throw on over a shirt. On the contrary, I have yet to find a top in my closet that I can really wear with it without second-guessing my decision. Even in today's outfit, I am irked by the fact that it is slightly askew on my blouse. But whatever, I can't let such a little thing ruin such a utterly wonderful day!  
Speaking of wonderful, my handsome Valentine also bought us Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory candy and chocolate-dipped strawberries to enjoy! These amazing treats were incredibly fresh, juicy, and covered with all kinds of delicious toppings. Thank you love!
A fitting V-day card for two devout doggy lovers! Have a wonderful night everyone :)
