A Date with my Mate: High Tea at the Fairmont

 No matter how busy life gets, I believe that it's always important to make time for the people you love. School, work, and life in general often take my friends away from me for weeks or months at a time. However, I more than understand how hectic everyone's lives can get so I'm happy as long as we spend some quality time together every once in a while. Yesterday, one of my oldest besties AK took me to the YVR Fairmont for my belated birthday present: a date over high tea. We had wanted to have high tea together for the longest time so this was the perfect opportunity to fulfill our little dream. 
What a cutie AK is! 
True to custom, AK and I savoured our delicious treats, sipped our tea, and enjoyed a good and long conversation about our present lives, future plans, and past memories. With the dining room's view of the planes outside, we were motivated to start planning our first legitimate trip together- I can't wait to travel with this girl! 

All in all, I had such a lovely time, even that perfection was slightly marred by the fact that we were fined extra for parking when we took ten minutes too long to take pictures. Thank you so much love, you're the absolute best! 
