Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum

Jacket and Fur Collar: H&M // Denim: American Eagle Outfitters // Boots: Rockport // Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim for Target

Last Friday, I had the pleasure of spending some precious time with my two lovely fellow bloggers, Luvania of Fashion to the Nine and Sarah of My Crowded Closet. On this particular occasion, we decided to have lunch at the Vancouver Art Gallery Cafe in order to catch up over delicious food about our lives, school, and our blogs. It's so lovely to have two friends (who both live nearby and attend SFU) who understand the joys and pains of running a personal blog: how much effort it takes to regularly post decent content, to manipulate unwilling boyfriends and family members into taking photos for outfit posts, and to keep in touch with the rest of the fashion blogger community. However, fashion blogger status aside, both of these gals are so fun to spend time with and I always enjoy our laughter-filled chats.
Since the cafe is usually incredibly crowded and congested (especially on a rainy day), we were lucky enough to have a kind, older gentleman let us share a table with him while he finished his lunch. It turned out that he had once been an air force pilot, then a commercial airline captain, and now was working as a lawyer out of Calgary. What a life! He also gave us some well-meant advice regarding our future careers, travelling, and serious romantic relationships. Talk about an expected turn in lunchtime topics!
I just realized that I've forgotten to mention one of the most significant things that happened that day (and the reason behind the post title): Luvania and I showed up wearing the same H&M jacket. After getting over our initial shock and pseudo-anger, I conceded that Luv had actually bought the jacket much earlier than me and that therefore I was guilty of being the imitator. What a complex lives we girls live, especially in regard to our appearances...
Hope you all are enjoying the first week of October!


  1. The jacket is gorgeous dear, i love the way you paired it with the jeans and the boots. this
    look is chic and edgy. It's so nice that you got to spend time with fellow bloggers!!!!

  2. Hope you had a lot of fun girls!:)
    I really like the background and your outfits are gorgeous especially the jackets!


  3. Love your jacket!! And that Phillip Lim for Target bag :) Just followed you on GFC and Bloglovin! Would love if you could check out my blog as well :)

    refined couture 

  4. amazing look and I really like the fur collar! I have two fur collars and I haven't worn them, I have to try it out soon!


    Follow me on Facebook

  5. wow amazing look! you both look fantastic !!!
    Maybe we follow each other !?
    If yes, let me know when you´re follow me & ill follow back :)

    Happy weekend !

  6. That jacket is gorgeous! You look stunning (:

    Dress to Express

  7. I still haven't done any blogger meet-ups but I REALLY want to! I look up to so many inspiring ladies and would love to hear about their blogging experiences. Love your outfit!

    Xo, Hannah

  8. Nice outfit! The coat and shoes look amazing!

  9. OMG! I love that jacket! That fur definitely compliments the jacket!:D ahaha, My favorite outfit from you! And that bag! Everything is just perfect in this outfit!♥ Both of you look lovely.

    x Charms│My ∞ Fashion Confession

  10. Love the jacket! That is so cute you two showed up wearing the same thing. I love how you added the fur! At first I thought the jacket came with a fur collar, but then looked more closely and noticed your friend didn't have it. Great addition. It makes the jacket look so chic. Love your patent leather boots as well and the red lips add such a pretty pop of color. Cute story about the old man. It's always interesting to meet new people and hear about their lives!



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