Peplum Autumn

Peplum Jacket: Winners // Shorts: J. Crew // Tights: H&M // Booties: Material Girl // Necklace: Ell and Em

Greetings everyone,
Last Sunday I was fortunate enough to have my friend Lydia Ko, who is an amazing photographer, use me as a guinea pig in order to practice the latest skills she has recently acquired from a photography lighting course. Since this course is all about lighting, we were required to carry around a tripod on which to mount a detachable flash and a white umbrella to diffuse the flash. As a result, we were quite the conspicuous pair even though we were in park full of camera-touting Asians. Luckily, the weather was absolutely gorgeous and we were fortunate enough to take some really great shots!
We also found that young families and old couples really enjoy staring at people doing photoshoots; we even had to tell this semi-creepy old Asian man to not take photos of us... 
How do you guys like these photos? Lydia is actually setting up a site for her photography, which I will link as soon as it goes live! 

On another note, aren't you ecstatic that it's the long weekend? Hopefully you're not one of the many who have caught the cold and flu bugs that have been going around lately. As a student who's constantly on transit from home to downtown Vancouver, I find myself stuck for hours in enclosed spaces with coughing and sneezing individuals. However, as of yet, I have not succumbed (knock on wood!). Also, I have not gotten sick for over a year as I have a self-imposed policy of sleeping as much as I possibly can whenever I feel like I'm coming down with something. So far, it has been a pretty effective preventative measure! 
I'm super excited for my one day off tomorrow as I have a million things that I plan to do, including shopping, going to the gym, a chocolate fondue date, and a hotpot lunch. Not to mention I plan to get some school work in there! How are you guys planning on spending the long weekend? 


  1. This peplum coat is SO beautiful! I've been lusting after a few different navy coats online lately.

    Xo, Hannah

  2. I love this look, it's super classy! You look beautiful as always! A chocolate fondue date sounds amazing!!!

  3. That is one amazing photography, love the lighting! Of course lovin' the jacket, the color & the zipper detailing! That sounds like a fun fun wkend esp chocolate fondue & hot pot mmMmm ;) My wkend... tennis & of course more eating hahaha. Happy long wkend~~

  4. I always wanted a coat in this exact colour! it's so lovely.


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  5. You ankle is booties is so cute! You look gorgeous btw!
    -Vivian from stylemeendless

  6. stunning photos and outfit. love your backdrop.



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