Travel Diaries: Nanjing, China

Before I start becoming too lazy, here is another post from my recent trip to southern China. On this particular day, we had just arrived in Nanjing and were visiting the mausoleum of the famous Sun Yat-sen. If you haven't already heard of him, Sun Yat-sen was a Chinese revolutionary who helped to found the Republic of China in the early twentieth century. He once fled to Vancouver, Canada after becoming a wanted fugitive, which resulted in the creation of a garden in his honour in my hometown. Since I had this tiny connection to him, it was certainly very cool to visit this shrine in China; as well, I had previously studied some ancient and modern Chinese history (which included a bit about Nanjing) in university and never had really expected to visit the city itself! 

In these pictures, you can see us walking up and down the many flights of steps to visit the mausoleum. Although it was a stiflingly hot day, the heat did nothing to deter the thousands of excited Chinese tourists from making the trip-- I was even more astonished when I saw many overly-fashionable ladies wearing fancy maxi dresses, lace tops, and heels on a day that was probably in the mid-thirties temperature-wise. Another fascinating surprise was that much of the park provided free wifi for any interested users. So whenever we weren't walking, sweating like crazy, or taking pictures, my friends and I were heavily using our phones to catch up with friends, upload Instagram posts, and other necessities. It was at this park that everyone decided to give into the heat and buy fans to cool themselves off. Previously, I had to beg my parents to lend me some yuan to buy a fan (which costs $1 USD) at an incredibly hot historic site we had a visited the day before. However, in Nanjing, almost everyone else decided to buy a large fan at the local tourist shops-- by the end of the trip, you could see everyone from our tour bus sitting down using their fancy new fans to cool off! 

The signs demanding "Silence" and "No Photography" were dutifully ignored by almost every tourist.

If you ever find yourself in Nanjing, I definitely recommend visiting this beautiful historic site! However, if you visit during the summertime, be sure to bring an umbrella for shade and a large bottle of water if you want to avoid heatstroke! 


  1. I love your shorts. Are those pineapples I see? Haha. I remember going to a Buddhist temple in Canada & it said "no photography," but everyone still took photos. Merp.
    :] // ☼

  2. I'm so jealous that you have visited China! These pictures are so amazing, the view is osom and of course you look so stylish and pretty like always!

  3. what a gorgeous place! so cool that you have a connection to nanjing and you actually got to visit. i remember seeing "no photography" signs in japan, and everyone just snapping pictures anyway. oops!


  4. It would be so much fun running down those stairs, but for ascending, not so much haha! The place looks so lush! Loving all your travel diaries:)

  5. Your pictures are beautiful and those shorts are lovely.

  6. I can't imagine walking around in heels on a super hot day let alone stairs in a tourist attraction! That is incredible hahaha! I've never heard of Sun Yat-Sen then again I am not familiar with Chinese history so... But I want to see this monument now. Added to my ever populated bucketlist.


  7. These photos are amazing, great impressions!

  8. What a beautiful place. Love your outfit too.

  9. How lucky you are to be able to see different parts of the world. I would love to visit China!

  10. Love the outfit detail (: the color look so damn good together especially love the pants! x

  11. I love seeing parts of the worked through your blog posts! Love it!


  12. Hi Debbie,
    I got to see some of your pictures on Instagram but it is kind of different seeing it in my iMac screen and not on my phone little screen! haha now I can see all the details :) First of all, I can't get over the fact that you in such an amazing adventure! (so jealous haha the good kind though!) I'm sure being next such an amazing museum was a big deal, specially after studying the history behind it and having a bit of it in your town. Love the pics where you are surrounded by all these people, really cool shots!

    Then I have to tell you, I love your outfit! is so casual and fun, love the floral print of your shorts and I'm still absolutely in love with your little hot pink MK bag! everytime I see it in any of your posts I look it up online and have to keep myself from buying it (I have so many bags!!! I don't even have more space for them haha)

    Also, I laughed a little bit when you showed the picture of the sign that said silence and do not take pictures HAHA seriously! is so funny that everybody ignores it, that remains me to Peru, where I'm originally from... rules like that don't really count lol

    Thank you so much for sharing this post, I love reading about your adventures and I can only hope one day I could visit Nanjing. And if I do, I will follow your advices to not get a heatstroke! lol

    Hope you are having an amazing week :)


  13. amazing photos! Hope you had a nice time!

  14. I went to China when I was like 17 years old I guess but I wanna go back again though :)


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