Boudoir Neons

Sometimes, the beginning of a new day is all you need to have a fresh start. Over the last few days in Singapore, I had been feeling extremely lethargic and often felt like I was walking through quicksand when I was sightseeing around the city. Even working out at the gym or sleeping earlier and longer didn't seem to help. In part, this might have been due to some muscle soreness after I had gone biking for two hours on a previous day or from attempting to do chin-ups (I can do two and a half-- I think). However, this morning I was able to not only wake up at 6:30 am, but also to go for a four km run before the day's heat had fully begun. In addition, I decided to go for something different today and shoot these photos inside my aunt's flat since there was such good lighting.

While I'm used to living in a large house, it's kinda nice to live in a smaller space with various family members always in close proximity (I'm sure this feeling would only last for so long before I am driven crazy by lack of privacy). I've gotten very used to navigating my way around the area in which my aunt and grandmother live, as well as taking transit to wherever I like. Today, I will be going to Orchard Road for the third time since I've been in the city of my birth-- let's keep our fingers crossed that I won't buy too much!

For my shopping outfit, I decided to wear my H&M skirt and this new crop top from Zara that I recently bought. Zara may be one of my favourite stores but I simply can't afford the clothing until they have their seasonal sales. When those hit, you can be sure that I'm watching over every store like a hungry vulture for new deals. I feel like the neon-green-and-gold necklace goes well with the bright pink-- what do you think?

Top // Zara
Necklace // Forever 21
Skirt // H&M

While I am greatly enjoying my vacation thus far, I still miss my friends back in Vancouver very much-- it's so hard to be away from people with whom you usually spend so much time. Luckily one friend is presently in Hong Kong and therefore is in the same time zone with me (which means we can snapchat and whatsapp each other with ease). To some of my closer friends back in Canada, I just sent a bunch of postcards that will hopefully reach their mailboxes safely. Sometimes snail mail is so much more fun than the digital stuff. Lastly, the boyfriend just left for Hong Kong and so I'll be seeing him in Singapore in one week's time-- I can't wait!!!

What are you looking forward to doing this summer?


  1. Amazing look, you look fabulous!
    THe skirts suite you very welll!!!


  2. Amazing necklace, looks so beautiful on you!

  3. Wow, you look amazing, loving this look on you :) I really like it how simple but colorful you made it :)


  4. Ughh .. you've been through so many things girl! Two hours biking, working out in the gym and waking up so earlier. OMG! But at least you beeing active and caring much for your body instead of doing nothing. (which refers to myself haha)
    And I'm in a whole different situation when I'm spending holidays in my motherland - there we have bigger houses and enough place for everyone. Which means privacy overloaded but as here in Germany it's a living in a smaller but not really small flat. I also can tell, with my four little brothers and sisters, there is like no privacy and peace but at least so much fun, drama in a funny way and action.

    However I love your outfit and the neon-green-and-gold necklace goes so well with the pink skirt. It's a great match and so simple!

    xx Lori

  5. I am dying over the outfit. Gorgeous and you look very pretty. Beautiful makeup too.
    Happy Friday girl

  6. this outfit is amazing! i love zara too, but i definitely wait until their big sales to pick up what i'm looking for. glad you're not feeling so tired anymore. maybe all of the traveling from before caught up with you? can't wait to hear more about your trip. :)


  7. Your outfit is lovely. I like the necklace and it really compliments the pink skirt. I am glad you would soon get to see your boyfriend.

  8. Lovely! That skirt looks amazing on you!

  9. Love your skirt look amazing pretty <3

  10. I hope you feel better soon my dear! You look very gorgeous though :) Look at your beautiful face, lovely top and such a pretty skirt! You have nailed it perfectly hun :)

  11. wow, doffy! that's a really flashy outfit and you look great. i like your wonderful make-up and your pretty hairstyle!

  12. Debbie,
    These photos are so beautiful, the light is so perfect, the pictures look soft and sweet. I haven't tried to take pictures inside because I was afraid they would be too dark but you just inspired me to try it :) you look stunning in this outfit, the necklace is a beauty and I love how it goes with the hot pink skirt you are wearing. Zara is awfully expensive for me too haha love how you said you are like a hungry vulture looking for Zara sales! well in that case, let me know when you find one and I will shop too! There is not a Zara store in my town so my only option is online unless I'm on a trip. Zara has some really cute stuff though! so yes keep me updated on the sales :)

    About being tired, I completely understand! sometimes you just need a nice nap and some relaxing time to recover strength after a workout like is biking :)

    You are going to see your boyfriend in a week! how exciting! don't forget to share some pictures of you two together!

    Thanks so much for always checking on my blog and leaving such sweet comments. I really enjoying visiting yours and reading about all your adventures! Your style is really cute and your updates on your trips are always fun and interesting :)
    Looking forward your next post,



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