Downtown Rompin'

There are those times when you look back at an outfit and can't believe that you actually wore such an inappropriate-for-the-circumstances ensemble. Due the chilliness of this particular day, the decision to wear this acid wash romper and thin tights certainly qualified as a tad crazy. My only excuse was that I just didn't feel like wearing pants that day-- a feeling that I much regretted while traipsing across the downtown landscape with the lovely Sarah of Crowded Closet. Nevertheless, I had a wonderful time eating, shopping, and chatting with my fellow blogger pal on a beautiful spring Friday afternoon.

While the shopping ventures were less than successful that day (I would make the sole purchase of a cardigan at H&M), Sarah and I still enjoyed a wide ranges of "experiences" during our time in the heart of Vancouver. For instance, these photos were taken outside of a vintage/thrift store that we had eagerly been wanting to visit. Sadly, the store had changed since I last visited and now only stocked men's and "unisex" styles! Needless to say, we did the awkward walk-in and walk-out thing when we realized that there was nothing in there that would appeal to us. 

Blazer // MinkPink
Romper // Bluenotes 
Crop Top & Tights // H&M
Shoes // Forever 21
Bag // Material Girl
Necklace // Aldo

I believe the highlight of the day was when Sarah and I were leaving Medina Cafe and I was attempting to put on my coat. I was having some difficulty finding the other armhole of my coat until I realized that something, or someone, was holding onto the other sleeve... Some random dude walking behind us was holding my coat for me! Sarah and I were both so shocked that we politely thanked him and burst out laughing after. Some people are just so interesting...

I hope you all had a wonderful Friday as well and enjoyed that spring sunshine (even if you got crazy cold like me)!


  1. You Look fab, I really love the romper!!!

  2. I'm in love with your bag, you're perfect <3

    Bisous !

  3. love!

  4. Really cool look and great combination :)
    Amazing :)

    Svetlana from Lavender Star // BlogLovin //
    Instagram // Faceboook

  5. i've been away for a while and i miss browsing through your page dear! ♥
    Continue to inspire. Keep in touch!

  6. I had the same :) but after a time, I decided on a black and white combination :) I'm glad, that I could inspire you :* kisses from Poland

  7. Haha so funny! Yea there lots of crazy and interesting people out there. Can't believe he really did that
    I feel you very badly because i also got this days where i not feel comfortable to wear a pant or jeans at all.
    Usually i decide to wear an joggin or like in ur case and jumper too.
    Ur blazer is hot as i told you already ;) Also love ur acid jumper. Definitely need to get one too.

    Wishing you a good start for the week Debbie.

    xx Lori

  8. I'm sorry you got cold but this is such a cute outfit! :) Wish we lived closer to each other so we could shop together, too!


  9. I'm in love with that outfit, the romper goes so well with the blazer :)

  10. Hah, I've definitely done the awkward walk in walk out before. So strange that they only carry men and unisex styles. And that's really funny about the guy holding onto your jacket. At least he didn't steal it! Haha, people are so interesting. Anyways, love the outfit. I loveee rompers! And the acid wash is so fun and perfect for summer. I also love how you added a shirt underneath, I never thought of doing that with a romper, but it's a genius idea. Very cute jacket as well! I love the cut and the print is so fun and adds some sass to the outfit. Haha, I can imagine how chilly you must've been though. But you look so fashionable, sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the sake of fashion ; )



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