Bowling Double Date

Top: Urban Outfitters // Belt: Target // Bag: Michael Kors // Cardigan: Urban Behaviour // Tights & Shoes: H&M // Necklace: Aldo // Bracelets: Ardene, Ily Couture

As was mentioned in my reflections of the past year, one of the greatest things about being a blogger is the unique opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who intimately understand the ups and downs of fashion and lifestyle blogging. It's funny to look back and realize that I met some of my closest friends over Instagram or through other cyber channels. Recently, I was able to meet the lovely Jasmeen of Keeping Up with Jasmeen through mutual friends and Instagram; I was immediately awestruck by how amazingly fashionable she was! After meeting her in person, I was even more amazed to realize that this girl is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. The greatest thing I admire about her is her drive to fulfill her dreams while being determined to not lose herself in the journey. As well, we both deeply care about social activism/welfare and I look forward to participating in more charity events with this gal in the near future. 

However, to get back to this outfit post, we were able to go on our first double date (our boyfriends are very old friends) by eating a hotpot dinner and going bowling last Friday night. While the hotpot was greatly lacking in quality and quantity, the cosmic bowling at least was pretty darn fun. At least it was for me and Jasmeen, I think the boys disliked being very badly beaten by our feminine abilities-- just take a look at our scores at the very bottom! 


  1. You both look amazing!
    I think it's so great that, as a Blogger, you have the opportunity to meet really nice people. Some Austrian Bloggers had in December dinner and it was amazing. It's so cool, because some of those people you have never seen before, but you know them through the blog and it's like you have been friends for ages :)

    Svetlana from Lavender Star

  2. amazing photos, you guys look fabulous! :)
    Emma xx

  3. cute outfit <3
    what about follow each other?
    let me know :)
    have a nice day!

    Join the GIVEAWAY on my blog and Win dresses worth $200

  4. Beautiful outfit, i love your shorts!!!

  5. Great post
    Love the look,like the way you accessoried with the pink belt
    Wanna follow each other via gfc& bloglovin

  6. U guys both are really quite stylish :D Gaining more wonderful friends unexpectedly through blogging or any other social media platform is priceless! And on top of that having our own drives to share & similar interests are so encouraging & more fun~ Ooh & those are some really great bowling scores! My scores can't even compare haha!

  7. The pink is so gorgeous against the grey cardigan. Love that pop of colour!


  8. Great looks! Would you like to follow each other on BLOGLOVIN?

  9. I love double dates! Yeah, I agree-it's so wonderful being able to make connections and form relationships with other bloggers! I love that you guys both wore shorts with tights and gold chain necklaces. You two look amazing and definitely much more stylish than anyone I've ever seen bowling! : )


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