
I'm wearing:
Club Monaco chiffon shirt // Thrifted skirt // Sam Edelman heels // vintage bracelets & studs // "Shy" NYX nail polish 

Hello everyone, how is your Wednesday going?
If you're anything like me, you're wishing that it was already Friday and that you could be starting off this long Labour Day Weekend. I can hardly believe that I'll be back in a classroom in exactly a week from now; this summer has gone by so fast that I would believe you if you told me that it was still July.

This week I've been directing a VBS (vacation Bible school) program for kids ages 4-11 years at a local church. The past three days have been chaotic, hectic, and unpredictable; however, the one constant is that it has always been fun! Nothing ever goes exactly as planned during these kind of programs; you just have to learn how to improvise and to be extremely flexible. Also, you have to be able to wake up at 7am and be bright, cheerful, and alert by the time the kids come running into the building. Since zombies aren't the best kind of people to lead a week-long VBS, sleeping early and a good cup of coffee have been absolute musts.

Today after VBS, I was supposed to go run a number of very tiring errands that would have required lots of time and energy. However, since I was short of both, I instead decided to relax at home and to put a Lana Del Rey music playlist on repeat. I have a huge girl crush on her at the moment; her style, music, voice, and looks have got me mesmerized. She embodies this perfect mix of modern and vintage, pop and je-ne-sais-quoi, soft girlie-girl and femme fatale. This post's title, "Yayo," is named after a song that I am now in love with, go check it out if you haven't already! Needless to say, she is my favorite new music artist and style icon at the moment. 

Do you have a celebrity muse of the moment?
