A Clothes Hoarder's Dream

Last night I partook in an event that every fashion and money conscious young gal should look into: a clothes swap! The other 8 girls and I brought clothes, makeup, accessories, nail polish, and shoes that were in good condition to be swapped for other goodies. We also made it a girlie night since there was no room in my friends apartment for any male intruders!

We started off the night with some delicious food: homemade quiche, bacon wrapped asparagus, waffles with ice cream, and other culinary delights!

Then we started several stages of our swap: the first round consisted of looking at everything to see what we liked, the second was trying them on and choosing four items, and the last was a free-for-all. Since we were all mature adults, there were no dramatic girl fights over coveted clothing pieces; however, we did have some pretty funny moments when we found unexpected "gifts" in the pockets (sanitary items and a long lost key hehe).

The next day I ended up using swapped clothes to make up my entire outfit! What do you guys think? I also wore glasses outside for the first time in forever in an attempt to pull off the geek chic look. Someone told me that I look like a boss in them ;)

Homemade Quiche!
Amazing Choco chip waffles <3

Kenzie clutch and epic bag with world map pattern
The shoe section

Popeye wanted in on the action
Dresses and accessories section
Love these wedges!
My stash

My "tags"
OOTD: white and black themed stripes and wedges, all from @rororose

Thank you ladies for a fun and fashionable night!


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