Retro Chic in 3.1 Phillip Lim x Target

Dress and Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim for Target // Pleather Jacket: Forever 21 // Tights: H&M // Necklace: Ell and Em // Earrings: Front & Co. // Shoes: Aldo

Happy Saturday everyone! Although it's raining cats and dogs out there, my present mood is inexplicably positive and upbeat. Actually, it probably has something to do with the fact that life has been full of opportunities for self-improvements lately and I feel that I've been living up those daily challenges. For instance, within the two publishing courses in which I currently am enrolled, I have been happily engaged in learning more and more about the publishing industry's inner workings and finer technical details. As I wish to establish a career within this vocational sphere in the (hopefully) near future, I find every lecture and lab absolutely fascinating and relevant as I learn new skills and knowledge pertaining to my future livelihood. From the hierarchy of publishing houses to distinguishing the difference between properly or improperly kerned letters, I've been absorbing in new information like an overly-keen sponge. 
On another note, I was happy to wear my eye-catching leopard print dress from the 3.1 Phillip Lim for Target collection along with my greatly-discounted Forever 21 jacket on a rainy Sunday. When buying my morning Starbucks coffee, the kind barista remarked that he loved my outfit as it was "so retro chic" (hence the title of my post). There's nothing like an unexpected compliment to put a smile on your face!

Lastly and most importantly, I have chosen the winners of my Romeo & Juliet advanced screening ticket giveaway:
- Lisa Yee
-Nadine Chan (due to unavailability)
-Susanna Hoy

I will be contacting each of the winners shortly via email with downloadable copies of your tickets!
Be sure to say hi to me as I'll also be there to see the movie on September 30th at 7 pm at the Scotiabank Theatre!  


  1. Omg Deborah, this is such a fabulous outfit! The dress is killer on u esp love how u put the leather jacket over it! I love it when we actually take college classes that has to do with our future career & it's always interesting! That's how education should be haha

  2. Oh my! Lalalove your outfit! Love the print on the dress! But I'm a fan of the jacket! Loving your blog. Followed you on GFC. Hope you could visit my site and follow me too. <3

    Pauchee C.

  3. So chic! I need to head to Target and get hands on some of the pieces in his collection!
    -Vivian from stylemeendless

  4. lucky girl, I wanted that bag so bad!! Gorgeous look anyway, have a nice day!


  5. Hey sweetheart, what a wonderful outfit, I love that print dress and the color of your jacket! You look so pretty, girl! Hope your classes are going great, I remember you mentioned that you take publishing courses now :-) xoxo

  6. lovely outfit! gorgeous as always;)
    Emma xx

  7. I love this outfit, you look amazing!!!!! I really need to get that bag:))

  8. Cool dress and I love the way you paired the leather jacket with it!


    Follow me on Facebook

  9. I love the dress with the red jacket! Just perfect!

  10. Love the leather jacket! Do you want to follow each other?


  11. You seriously look good in anything! Our Target was sold out of EVERYTHING when it came out (I went later on in the day) and it sold out fast online!!!

    ♥ Brittney @ True Vintage Love

  12. The maroon pairs so well with the mustard yellow! Love your flirty lip color as well. Great look <3




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