Baby Blue Fur + Selfie Mirror Sticker Giveaway

There are times when you don't feel like wearing anything more complicated than sweatpants and a baggy sweater. There are also times when you randomly feel like wearing shorts, tights, and a slightly outrageous faux fur coat when most people are bundled up under several layers. Last Saturday was one of those days as I felt relaxed enough to wear something more interesting but also wanted to feel relatively comfortable while running some necessary wedding-planning-related errands.

On days like that, a girl needs to take as many photos and selfies before she starts feeling the winter blues again. Luckily, I had the help of a Selfie Mirror Sticker to make my solo-picture-taking experience more convenient and effortless. These handy little doodads are the "lo-tech solution to taking the #perfectselfie." All you need to do is peel off the sticker backing, stick it on the desired spot on the back of your phone (preferably near the camera lens), and begin your journey of taking wonderful selfies. The main draw is that instead of using your front-facing camera, you'll be able to take full advantage of your regular camera in order to take selfies of much higher quality.

Toque // Aritzia
Faux Fur Coat + Sweater // H&M
Skorts + Shoes // Zara
Tights // China
Necklace // Hong Kong
Bag // Topshop

(forgive my naked nails, I actually got them manicured the day after)
The creator of this wonderfully useful product is actually a dear friend of mine who used to work as a flight attendant. As someone who often travelled on her own to many different countries as part of her vocation, she found taking selfies in various locations was the easiest way to document her adventures across the globe. However, she frequently felt frustrated that she had to take multiple pictures before getting the right one. Fortunately, the simple but innovative Selfie Mirror Sticker holds an easy solution for all of your previous selfie-taking failures. If you wish to know more about this product and more interesting tidbits about taking the perfect selfie, visit their site here.

Even more exciting, I have ten stickers to give away to some lucky readers! All you have to do to enter this giveaway is like or follow two or more of Selfie Mirror Sticker's social media pages listed here:
Also, be sure to give my Facebook page a like if you haven't already. After doing that, just leave your name and social media usernames in the comment section below. Also, this giveaway is open to international readers. Good luck!


  1. So cute! The light grey and blue are perfect with the texture of the coat.


  2. Love the fluffy look and I agree there's nothing about a cozy day in cozy clothes like joggins and sweaters. If it wouldn't be for fashion week right now my total look for this week or whole winter would be in joggins, sneaker and sweaters.
    I probably would have asked you how crazy you are to wear just tights and a skorts but I find myself guilty. Just yesterday I wore a Dress with only tights and my todays Looks fot another Show includes a shorts and tights as well. It's been really cold out here and I can't wait for this week to be over and I can finally get back to my beloved comfort zone at home.

    I really like your coat and it's similar to mine but a bit longer. I like the combo with the sweater and skorts a lot. I would have worn it just the same as you. Make-up on fleek as always!

    How cool is that a mirror for extra high quality selfies. Something every girl needs. Will join the giveaway for sure.
    Twitter: @fabeau_trends
    Facebook: Lori Afia

    Have a nice day!

    xx Lori

  3. Really, really nice look :)
    I like the jacket :)


  4. You look so chic! Wish the weather here in NY was warmer so I can go bare legs too but still very cold D: I also have those shorts too by the way :)

    La Celestials

  5. such a cool style! that baby blue fur looks amazing! love your look!

  6. love the layers and different cuts and textures :)

  7. You look amazing dear!

    Giveaway on my blog!

  8. Perfect look again! And cool iphone case!

    Walking Talking Style
    New post: Old Macau

  9. Lovely fur dear!
    new post now on blog, kindly check it out

  10. Love your outfit especially that fur! :)

    Janine | Lime & Life

  11. great fur!!

  12. love this outfit, you look great

  13. love love the touches of pastels in your outfits!


  14. I love this look so so much. For some reason I've been wanting to don a short skirt with high sultry socks lately, but that snow ain't playing around! I look forward to days when my legs can be free of tights & I can get a new phone so I can use this cute selfie mirror thing. That fur jacket is 2 glamorous; I need to cop one!

    / okaythanksmaria

  15. Love this outfit, you look fabolous!

  16. joining the giveaway
    fb: Jonathan Lee
    twitter @jonkendrickkk


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