Rainy Days in White

Rain, rain, go away so I can wear my pretty spring things in peace! While it's been pouring in the most miserable manner of late, I've been stockpiling my new spring wardrobe like some madwoman preparing for the apocalypse. Unfortunately, such shopping has also resulted in the depletion of my savings fund for an upcoming trip to L.A. in June. So, needless to say, I'll be packing my lunches for the next while...

My most recent purchases include this lovely white coat from Forever 21, which I have lovingly dubbed as my 'lab coat.' While this piece is certainly for not everyone, I love the minimalist feel it gives to any outfit and the challenge of styling it with the rest of my wardrobe. While the rain was pouring from the heavens today, I stubbornly decided to wear some of my favourite whites anyways. It was fortunate that I barely went outside as I had to spend most of my day working on final projects and papers.

As well, I've been wearing this pair of distressed boyfriend jeans on the daily; I highly recommend them to anyone who is looking for a comfortable yet stylish piece that you can literally wear almost everyday. I'm also excited to receive a draped trench coat that I recently bought online-- are there any spring pieces you're particularly anxious to wear?

Coat // Forever 21
Top // Madewell
Boyfriend Jeans // BDG via Urban Outfitters
Shoes // Zara
Bag // Topshop

It's hard to believe that yet another month has passed and that it's almost April (on that note, don't fall for any April Fool's pranks if you can help it). I am so close to finishing school that I can practically taste the freedom... Please pray for my safe release from academic agony! 


  1. love your outfit! the white trench is great!


  2. You look so chic dear!


  3. Oh gurl tell me more about rainy days! I'm so over it now. It's just the same over here in Germany. We're having some real heavy storms and rain and it's almost impossible to get out.
    Sadly I also bought some spring pieces that I thought I could be wearing now but I guess I need to pack them away for some time till the sun's decides to get back.

    I love the white coat as well. Been on the quite minimalistic scene lately and I love it. In just two weeks I'm about do to a short trip to Budapest during my birthday and I hope I can make us of wearing my spring warderobe there.

    xx Lori

  4. I really like ur white combo mas for me and this weather the white is not a good choice at the moment.. and i love ur lilac lipstick

  5. Wow you look beautiful in this white coat..! love the way you wear with the jeans.!


  6. Distress jeans are a keeper! So, is the lab coat which would
    look fab throughout the seasons.


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