
Images via Pinterest

Autumn has made its full presence known with the swiftly dropping temperatures, changing leaves, and shortening days. While I consider myself to be a summer girl, fall has many upsides and benefits that should be fully considered. For instance, colder days allow for fashionable layering, cozy hats and other accessories, and warm delicious beverages (can you say pumpkin spice lattes?). Also, the darker and drearier days mean that we can fully immerse ourselves into bleak and atmospheric movies and shows, such as Gone Girl and The Killing (which I previously mentioned was filmed in our very own 'Raincouver').

I decided to put together this small inspiration board of things that have been occupying me of late: television shows, movies, food, productivity, and, of course, shopping. I've been insanely productive of late-- becoming a morning person has really changed my lifestyle and allowed me to get so much more done in the space of one day. For instance, I'll wake up anywhere from 5:30-7:00 am (depending on that day's schedule) to work out, get lots of work done before mid-afternoon has struck, go for run if the weather is decent, and do more work when I get back home. Following all of that productivity, I can relax in the evening and rest easy knowing that I accomplished so much that day. Another huge benefit is that waking up for 'early' morning work shifts and classes has now become a breeze. I am no longer a zombie and can actually function normally in the early morning!

I've been reading and watching a lot. Usually I am a fiction fanatic but I recently picked up The Power of Habit in an attempt to understand the workings of good habits and methods of stopping bad ones. In terms of shows and movies, I recently watched the psychologically thrilling and very twisted film Gone Girl-- I haven't read the book yet but I am certainly intrigued now. As well, I was impressed by 2014 documentary Mission Blue (available on Netflix), which chronicles the life journey of the amazing Sylvia Earle and her quest to save our oceans. If you don't already know much devastation humanity has impacted upon the earth and oceans, you need to watch this film and begin to reconsider our collective lifestyle!

I've also been getting on the fall bandwagon by wearing my long cardigans, toques, boots, knee-highs, and, most recently, dark lipsticks. What other fall makeup trends would you suggest? As mentioned in a previous post, I've been eyeing a new winter coat (preferably over-sized, pastel, and wool-blend) and a new bag for daily wear. I recently ordered a pair of patent boots from Zara (pictured in the leftmost middle row above) that are currently being shipped my way-- I can't wait to receive them and style them with more fall-appropriate ensembles.

What aspects of the fall season inspire and motivate you the most?

Quick Update: I recently made a Facebook page for this blog, be sure to follow it here for updates and fun tidbits!


  1. i really like autumn. nature has such a beautiful color - everything is dark red, warm yellow and brown. i love to walk around - when the sun is shining, the trees look so beautiful! and i like your inpiration list! the first make up look adorable!

  2. great post
    the scenery, it just makes me feel happy inside


  3. Oh my gosh, I'm so obsessed with Gone Girl right now. I need to finish the book ASAP so I can see the movie. I'm also really excited to see Men, Women & Children with Jennifer Garner. It looks pretty funny but also very interesting.

    - Sarah :)

  4. Another great and inspiring post. Like you, I also love the fall season. The weather gets cooler (which is significant here in Florida), days get shorter (I love when it gets darker early) and the holiday season begins to get closer and closer. I don't get to enjoy the change of colors like you do unless I take a short trip to the northern states like I am doing right now ( am in Colorado:-) but at least I get to see the leaves and change of color through all my fellow bloggers from the north:-) Thanks for introducing me to that book, The Power of Habit. Will definitively buy it. I love reading and learning and books like that I enjoy very much. The booties you bought are super cute. I can't wait to see how you wear them and the pink coat is to die for. Thanks for sharing all your current favorites. XOXO, Jeannette



  5. Hey Deb, I like the concept of this post! I might do something similar too, if that's okay with you :)

    I agree that Fall is the best season to dress for, especially in Canada! I haven't seen a single orange leaf here yet and it feels weird. I do appreciate the drop in temperature though!

    I just saw Gone Girl last week and I actually felt mixed about it. A lot of my friends liked it, but I only liked the first half (before it was revealed that the wife was the mastermind). I just felt it got dragged on and felt absurd. BUT I do like this film's interpretation of marriage and dishonesty - definitely far from conventional!

    Walking, Talking Style
    New post: When in Prague

  6. I love autumn due to the riot of colours that nature provides. Unfortunately in Mumbai, we do not see fall colours. But my most beautiful memory is of spending autumn in Switzerland and being dazzled by the beauty and colours there :)


  7. I need to get that book. There are so many habits i know i should stop or pick but i have been too lazy to do so. Nice post...


  8. Autumn makes me wanna stay in bed with tea, movies and shows after work or school. That book is everything "The power of habits" I find that you actually have practically put them in practice, and by trial and error you formed a good habit over a bad one. How has it been for you? How are the alter plans coming *wink*

    Coco L'Amour || By Mary

  9. Debbie, love all your inspiration for fall. I'm also a summer girl but fall always still my hear with the beautiful landscapes I can see while just driving to work, the spicy pumpkin lattes (of course!) and the layering capabilities that the weather offers as you also mentioned. The coat your looking to get is so adorable! I love the fact that pastels are a big trend this Autumn/winter season because pastels are my favorite colors :)

    Also, I didn't know The Killing was filmed at "Raincouver" lol so it is kind of cool to get to see a little bit of where you live in one of my favorite shows! after reading your last comment on my blog I've decided I need to continue watching the last season of this show! because we need to talk about it haha I can't find people that watches either! and it is so good, I don't how is not more popular.

    Anyways, I hope you have a great weekend! oh and I'm so glad you found a wedding venue!!!! That is so exciting, I'm sure it is absolutely stunning (know your taste!), I can't wait to see pictures of it :)


  10. Such beautiful pictures and collection. Even though it is not autumn here, I am loving to see all the inspiration on other blogs. I adore the colours.

  11. I love our pics! I'm also a summer girl but the fall is nice because we can use a lot of scarves and coats :)
    I hope you have a nice day!

  12. I love the coat, bag and the boots!
    xoxo Emina

    Blog: www.fashionbyemina.blogspot.com
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/eminamasovic

  13. Love your collage.
    I heard gone girl is really good
    I hoping to watch it this week.
    The Power of Habit is a great read
    you can really learn a lot from it
    but it really takes discipline to put it into practice.


  14. I really want to see Gone Girl just based on people's comments to me about it being really good. I think my favorite things about Fall are similar to some you mentioned: layering & watching/reading a lot of things. Unfortunately I've never had a pumpkin spice latte partly because i don't think i'll like and mostly because everyone won't shut up about it whenever fall rolls around :P

    But seriously, that's awesome you've been trying to wake up earlier, that's a really good idea. I'd love to do that but my school schedule always has me in the art studio late into the night and waking up super early just isn't an option for me right now. Also, that Power of Habit book sounds good. I need to read that; I have a habit of picking up baaad habits :)))

    Thanks for sharing!


  15. I guess I love everything about fall even the fact that the days are seeming to be shorter and that it gets dark fast.
    But I mentioned that in one of my posts before. I've always been a autumn kinda person. But to be honest I'm more in love with autumn fashion. It's just so cozy and all about a good layering and all that stuff.
    I'm almost done with my list. I bought boots, a coat, accessories but I still need that everyday bag and some chilly tops since I've realized that I dont own much of them.

    I'm not really into reading but I do love like histories too but in form of movies haha. You seem to have really productive and scheduled days which I can be really jealous of. I've would kill to do something else than long sleeping and watching movies the whole day. But I guess this has something do to with the change of weather. So I usually am at home enjoying some good company of good hotchocolates, soups and movies.

    To sum it all up I'm inspired of the autumn fashion. If you put the right cozy things together like a simple jeans, pullover, a oversized coat and some accessories you'll probably never go wrong.

    (Ps. I'll straight head to your new Facebook page ;))

    xx Lori


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