A Frenzy of Faux Leather

Dynamite blazer // Express skirt // shirt taken from brother // necklace from the Hudson Bay Company // Bracelets: Aldo // Material Girl heels 
Happy Friday everyone!
This weekend marks the first week of freedom from school and I'm planning to enjoy it to the fullest. Today's outfit went a little heavy on the faux leather, I paired this skirt with the faux leather trimming with the faux-leather-sleeved blazer. Recently, I had been eyeing a genuine leather skirt that was $129 on sale, so in the interest of saving my wallet I decided to settle for this $50 skirt from Express instead. I feel that leather or vegan leather always lends some easy 'cool' into your ensemble and here was no exception. Now I have to force myself to avoid everything leather or faux leather; even I know when too much is too much! 
