A Birthday Flower Girl

 Crop Top, Necklace, & Bracelets: Sirens // Maxi Skirt: Uniqlo // Boots: Expression via The Bay

They say that your birthday is the one day on which you shouldn't have to care about anything (or something like that). For my birthday, which was on this past Saturday, the main plan was to avoid all instances of stress or worry while preparing for my party; however, I was soon to discover that stress is a necessary part of any party planning process. Despite some minor mishaps while preparing the party snacks and putting up the decor, my party miraculously went off without a hitch and I had a fantastic time surrounded by my incredible friends. It was exactly the perfect mix of relaxation, lighthearted chatter, and fun games that I was hoping for! A huge thank you to everyone who made it out to share this special day with me!

In terms of turning twenty-three, I obviously felt no huge difference when the clock struck twelve. Nevertheless, I feel that I have made steady progress over the past year in terms of personal growth; I have discovered more about who I am as a person and who I wish to be (rather than just what I want to be when I 'grow up'). Additionally, I also have grown in regard to my personal relationships-- I have learned how to surround myself with steady, strong, and inspiring individuals who motivate me to constantly improve myself and strive for the stars!

So I'll end this birthday-themed post with another big "Thank You" note to the amazing people who make my life brighter and more vivid with each passing day!


  1. I can see how your recent crop top obsession started because this daisy one is so cute! I had such a blast on Saturday celebrating your birthday and getting to meet the other lovely people you surround yourself with :) Hopefully we shall have another fun night like that soon!

    -Sarah xo


  2. Beautiful look! Happy belated birthday.
    Effortlesslady. Blogspot.ca

  3. Amazing look gurl. I like the skirt on you the colour is so fresh and colourful. Tbh my fav look on you.

    x Lori

  4. You are who you surround yourself with , cheers to another great year !

  5. Amazing look :)
    I am really happy for you that your birhtday party was so great. It's good to hear that other people enjoy their birthday!
    I love my birthday but at the same time I am really vulnerable that day because I want everything to be perfect. For that I was sleeping most of my birthday last year. Well, I was really exhausted too because we hat elections the day before and they went quite well ;)

    Svetlana from Lavender Star

  6. Happy late birthday, girly! I really love the colors and textures of this outfit, the orange with black is something I wouldn't have thought of. :) BTW- I'm a blogger from www.bloggersagainstsocialinjustice.blogspot.com and I wrote the post on the Superbowl. I want to thank you for your comment. I totally didn't think about human trafficking occurring at big events until I was told about it. But there is always so much to learn with everything really, but especially with illegal movements, like modern day slavery. Oh, I also want to invite you to join our network! You can be a support or advocate member and help us increase awareness to the blogger community through FB, twitter, and blogs. We could really use more help. Also, the best way to help end human trafficking is to educate the public so we can create a big net of people who can recognize the signs of human trafficking and will not allow it to persist!

    Let me know what you think, oh- I'm following your blog on GFC too, do you have a blog FB?

    God bless,
    www.beyoutifulhope.blogspot.com Fashion & Faith
    www.bloggersagainstsocialinjustice.blogspot.com Abolish Human Trafficking

  7. I love you dress and your maxi skirt! They're perfect combo! Belated Happy Birthday Pretty!
    By the way, I did follow your blog, and I hope you can do the same, for us to keep in touch! =))


  8. Beautiful outfit!!!! you look amazing dear!!!!!


  9. happy belated birthday!
    wish u all the best :)
    Please, let me know! ;)
    (leave a blog link at my blog after follow so I can go back ur blog again)

    1. happy belated birthday!
      wish u all the best :)
      ***would you like to follow each other to keep in touch?
      Please, let me know! ;)
      (leave a blog link at my blog after follow so I can go back ur blog again)

  10. Happy happy belated b-day Deborah!!! I'm so happy to hear that u had a fantastic & very memorable one! I hear ya on being stressed no matter what when it comes to planning for b-day parties but at least (always) all the planning and stressing over becomes so worth it~ Esp when those u love & are close with come to celebrate ur special day, it's too priceless =] And u simply couldn't be any prettier for ur b-day~ The perfect flowery outfit!

  11. Happy birthday girl! I loved the quaint setting of your birthday meeting with a fellow blogger--I've always wanted to meet one in person!

    And this outfit is simply stunning--love the luxe peach skirt with the edgy floral top. Your pretty hair and chic brown ankle boots are the perfect touch.

    Birthdays do lose their luster as we get older, don't they? I'm glad to hear that you got through the planning stress and you surrounded yourself with loving, quality people. It sounds like you're learning much about yourself and your special day allowed you to be reflective. Here's to another wonderful year, Deborah!


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