I've Got The Blues

H&M blazer | Talula shirt | Smart Set statement necklace | H&M jeans | Rockport boots
Despite the fact that it's the beginning of June, Vancouver weather continues to oppress us poor Vancouverites with soggy, miserable weather. Today I had to wear boots for the first time in a while since it was definitely cold enough to warrant such wintery footwear. Also, wearing a long-sleeved shirt, a blazer, and jeans (which all happened to be some shade of blue) was in order as it was quite windy out! Even heading to the downtown Ebisu restaurant on Robson Street to have some happy hour appies and to watch the Stanley Cup Final game did not lift my spirits much. Watching the LA Kings in the position to take the cup made me and my boyfriend more than a little depressed since we were forced to remember how the Canucks were in that position last year... Our emo-ness was probably why we left Ebisu after the first period and went home to do more enjoyable things!

Hoping that Vancouver remembers soon that it's summertime,


  1. cute blog!!

    Ps. Definitely following you! =) Would love it if you could do the same. <3 <3


    1. I just saw this comment 3 months late as it was accidentally blocked as spam :(
      Thanks for following and I've followed back!

      xx Debbie


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